Adam Westbrook // ideas on digital storytelling and publishing

Talking the future of news

Posted in Adam, Journalism by Adam Westbrook on December 11, 2009

This week we held the first Future Of News Meetup in London.

A small but interesting mix of people turned up: journalism students, academics, publishers, photojournalists, news producers and seasoned hacks: a small fraction of the 140 people who have joined the group so far.

Although it was a casual first meeting, conversation soon turned to the crisis in journalism and the digital revolution, with paywalls and citizen journalism being thrashed out by the bar.

I set the group up in November, with the idea of bringing together journalists, academics, students and entrepreneurs to a free, regular forum to talk about new ideas which will define the future of news.

You can read more about it here, and if you’d like to join and come to more formal meetings in 2010 sign up here.

Photographs: Megumi Waters

2 Responses

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  1. […] This idea, I am very happy to say, emerged at one of the new Future of News Meetup events which have sprung up across the UK since the first London event back in December. […]

  2. Laura Gibson said, on March 12, 2010 at 9:58 am

    This is a great idea… rather than talking about how grim the future of journalism will be and how future journalists will struggle for jobs, your being positive. Its refreshing, as a journalism student to see and read about this. Thanks!

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